And yet more KISS! Hope no one minds, but this is going to be a long post with a lot of pictures. I just came across the main batch of stuff I took of KISS on the 1997 "Lost Cities" portion of the reunion tour with all four original members. Just can't resist showing them off.
KISS is on tour again this year, and I'm hoping to provide some 2008 photos when the U.S. leg of the tour gets rolling. But for now, here are some vintage shots of the "second coming" of the greatest show in rock.

Seconds later he spit that guitar pick off his tongue and it landed on my shoe.

As usual, it was very difficult to get a shot of the drummer behind his massive drumset. So even though this picture suffers a little from motion blur, you can at least see Peter Criss back there.

From the side of the stage you can see a couple interesting things. First, the pyrotechnics that KISS is famous for, but take a closer look. That large arm with the platform on top at the right side of the photo is for Ace and Paul to ride on out over the audience. And even more intriguing is that "wall" of amplifiers that forms the backdrop for the main stage. You can see the front of it in several shots above. Well, from the side, you can tell that they are not amplifiers at all, just a backdrop! KISS - it's all a big show!

Another interesting tidbit about this show - KISS's stage manager for the reunion tour was a guy named Tommy Thayer. He stood around and chatted with those of us who had media passes before escorting us up to the front of the stage for two songs. Tommy is a guitarist who had played in KISS tribute bands and also was a member of the 80s hair metal band Black and Blue. He then started working for KISS, doing all kinds of odd jobs including video cameraman and producer for several of their DVD releases. As of 2008, he plays the spaceman character and lead guitar in the "Hottest Band in the World." So for those of you who hope to someday be a rock star, keep at it and take the strange side jobs. They may lead to something big!
If you like KISS, don't miss my other posts about them. Click on the Artist Photo List over there in the right column to find more!
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