Gene Simmons and that famous tongue of his.

Paul Stanley in classic poses. As I said before, he knows how to find a camera.

I know this isn't a very good photo, but it's the only one I've got of the late great Eric Carr. RIP Eric.

Gene's basses ready for battle just before the show.

My friend Steve Meeker and I were at this concert together and both being big KISS fans, were very excited that we had secured backstage passes. We were also very disappointed when checking in at the backstage entrance afterwards to find that the meet and greet had happened before the show, which no one had told us. So, never giving up, we went to the Hilton hotel where we knew they were staying. Not knowing what to do next, we sat on a bench outside the elevator hoping something would happen. Believe it or not a few minutes later the elevator doors opened and out walked Eric Carr. He nodded to us, said, "Hi guys," and walked into the bar. After a while of hoping Gene and/or Paul would also show up, we wandered into the bar, found Eric and got a couple autographs and a picture of him with Steve. We decided that was enough excitement and left for home without knowing if we would have met any more of the band. It was sad to find out a couple years later that Eric had passed away from cancer.
Here's a couple audience members who went all out that night. This has become somewhat commonplace at KISS shows since they put the makeup and costumes back on in 1996, but at the time of this concert seeing the real guys in this getup was just a dream. Looking at this photo makes me remember thinking, "Dang that guy did a lot of work to show he's a fan of something that's never going to come back."

I was wrong and I'm glad I was. Can't wait to see the boys at the Sturgis Rally in August. If all goes as planned, I'll have more photos to show off then.
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