Wednesday, April 14, 2010

John Denver, Rapid City, SD

Can't tell you exactly when this concert was, sometime in late 1980 or early '81, but John Denver at the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center in Rapid City was a great show. Of course I have been a huge John Denver fan from the beginning. In fact, this may come as a surprise to some, but he's my favorite artist of all time.

Just taking a guess here, but judging from the fiddle in his hand and the band clapping along, I think this is "Thank God I'm a Country Boy."

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting the picture. My sister took me to the show for my birthday, I was a freshman in high school and a huge John Denver fan. The concert was in October of 1980. I recall that he played Johnny Be Good by Chuck Berry during the show. I also recall that he was on the stage performing by himself at one point. That was the first concert of many that I have been to in my life. It was a memorable show and he was a fantastic performer.
